
Astridia longifolia

Astridia longifolia - vygies, astridia
Common name: vygies, astridia
Family: Aizoaceae (Vygie)
Distribution: Northern Cape, Northern Richtersveld.
Habitat: Northern Richtersveld Scorpionstailveld, Central Richtersveld Mountain Shrubland, Western Gariep Hills Desert, Noms Mountain Desert
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Endangered
Comments: Severe overstocking of communally owned rangelands have led to extensive degradation of this species' habitat. Overgrazing and trampling is so severe, it has led to a loss of shrub cover, on which many succulent species such as this one are dependent for shelter from hot desert conditions.
Links: iSpotRed List of South African Plants


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