
Widdringtonia cedarbergensis

Common name: Clanwilliamseder, Sederboom, Cape cedar, Clanwilliam cedar
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress)
Distribution: Western Cape
IUCN Red list: Critically endangered
National red list: Critically Endangered
Comments: The Clanwilliam Cedar once populated forests of giant trees across that mountain range of its namesake, the Cederberg. But climate change trapped the species in an evolutionary checkmate, its previous adaptations making it flammable and its recent adaptations requiring fire for seed germination – its slow growth rate then preventing an evolutionary response.
When early settlers in the 1700s required timber, the already declining ancient population took a massive hit. By 1883 nearly all the accessible cedars of commercial value had been harvested, with large quantities of dry offcuts left at sites. Fires and drought followed, and populations failed to recover.
Currently, conservation efforts include sapling nurseries around the region. These are then planted out to restore, at least in part, the Clanwilliam Cedar Forests of old.
Links: iSpotSANBI PlantZAfrica


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