
Burchellia bubalina

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Burchellia bubalina - Wildegranaat, Wild pomegranate, iThobankomo, isiGolwane, Uqongqo
Common name: Wildegranaat, Wild pomegranate, iThobankomo, isiGolwane, Uqongqo
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder)
Distribution: Southeastern Africa
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
Comments: This is a shrub or a small tree that grows up to 8 m tall. It grows naturally in forests, forest margins, rocky outcrops and bush clumps in montane grasslands.
Links: iSpotSANBI PlantZAfrica


  • 1: Nursery areas • Accession: 2014-288 • Provenance: Horticultural
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual