
Ferraria crispa

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Ferraria crispa - Krulletjie, Spinnekopblom, Black flag, Spider flower, Starfish lily
Common name: Krulletjie, Spinnekopblom, Black flag, Spider flower, Starfish lily
Family: Iridaceae (Iris)
Synonym: Ferraria crispa subsp. crispa, Ferraria crispa subsp. nortieri, Ferraria ensiformis, Ferraria obtusifolia, Ferraria undulata, Ferraria vandermerwei, Moraea undulata
Distribution: Eastern Cape, Western Cape
Habitat: Fynbos
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: A widespread, mainly coastal Cape bulb found from Lambert's Bay to Mossel Bay and the Little Karoo. It typically grows coastal rocky sites, next to mountain streams or on cool, moist, south-facing slopes. Its flowers are brown, either speckled or uniform, and a distinguishing feature is its light brown to brown-green crisped petal edges. It is pollinated by flies, which are attracted to the unpleasant scent of the flowers. This spring-flowering species does not face any immediate or potential threats yet.
Links: iNaturalist.orgiSpotPacific Bulb SocietyRed List of South African PlantsWikipedia


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