
Chromolaena odorata

Common name: paraffienbos, paraffin weed, Siam weed, triffid weed
Family: Asteraceae (Aster)
Distribution: South America
Habitat: Neotropics and subtropics
National red list: Not Evaluated
Black list: Listed NEMBA Category 1 Invasive - Must be destroyed/removed by law.
Life form: Shrub / sub-shrub
Comments: This is a globally widespread species that thrives in tropical and subtropical regions and is a major problem in eastern regions of SA. Its ability to spread quickly through thousands of wind-borne seeds enables it to rapidly take over an area, outcompeting indigenous plants or planted crops.
C. odorata is one of the worst invaders, invading disturbed and undisturbed vegetation, resulting in up to 100% loss in species diversity. Can impact wild animal populations by reducing food and habitat availability
Links: Bionet-EAfrinet, keys and factsheetsGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (


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