
Paphiopedilum × P. wardii

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Paphiopedilum × P. wardii
Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid)
Habitat: Deep leaf organic matter on cliff faces from 1200-2500m above sea level.
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
Life form: Herbaceous perennial
Comments: One of the parents of this cultivar is Paphiopedilum wardii, Ward's Paphiopedilum, a narrow endemic from the northern border of Myanmar just into southwestern China, growing in deep leaf organic matter on cliff faces from 1200-2500m above sea level. P. wardii is IUCN Red Listed Endangered, with perhaps 1000 plants left in the wild, and ongoing loss and degradation of its forest habitat. The striking stripes on the hood and fringed, spotted petals are partly derived from this parent, and the mottled leaves of the wild species are also partly reflected in the more subtle leaf mottling in this hybrid.


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