
Gethyllis afra

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Gethyllis afra - Bramakranka, Kukumakranka
Common name: Bramakranka, Kukumakranka
Family: Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis)
Distribution: Namaqualand to Cape Peninsula to Heidelberg
Habitat: Sandy flats
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: This species of Gethyllis is one of the few in the genus which doesn't favour semi-arid environments, but rather can be found in seasonally moist lowland fynbos. Gethyllis afra reportedly has various medicinal properties. It is used to treat stomach ailments like cramps and flatulence, and the South African writer Lawrence Green suggests that the common name "kukumakranka" might stem from the Afrikaans phrase "goed vir my krank maag" (good for my sick stomach) - although it isn't likely that this really is the etymological origin of the word. The fleshy red to yellow berries are also used to make kukumakranka brandy, which is an old Cape treatment for colic and indigestion, and the skin of the berries can be used to treat boils and insect bites. Various other ailments have been treated with parts of this plant, including tooth aches, heart problems and sleeplessness.
Links: Dictionary of South African EnglishiNaturalist.orgPacific Bulb SocietyPlantz AfricaRed List of South African Plants


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