
Jordaaniella anemoniflora

Common name: Helder kruipvygie, Matvygie, Jordaaniella
Family: Aizoaceae (Vygie)
Synonym: Cephalophyllum anemoniflorum
Distribution: Western Cape, Macassar to Hermanus.
Habitat: Overberg Dune Strandveld, Cape Flats Dune Strandveld
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct)
Life form: Succulent plant
Comments: This low-growing succulent is endemic to the Cape Flats, an area that has experienced extensive habitat loss due to urban expansion. As a result, this species might be extinct in the wild.
Links: Red List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfrica


  • 1: Arid House 1 • Accession: 2019-327/1 • Provenance: Garden - wild origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual