
Habenaria kraenzliniana

Habenaria kraenzliniana - wisp ghost orchid
Common name: wisp ghost orchid
Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid)
Distribution: Mainly Gauteng, with a few isolated records from Bloemfontein, Limpopo and northern KwaZulu-Natal
Habitat: Grassland
National red list: Near Threatened
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: A spectacular and rare South African summber growing orchid of the grassland biome. Most records are from the densely populated province of Gauteng, so it is declining or locally extinct at many locations due to urban development, and this threat is ongoing.
Links: Red List of South African Plants


  • 1: Nursery areas • Accession: 2019-47 • Origin: South Africa • Provenance: Wild
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual