
Laeliocattleya (Lc. Trick or Treat × [Lc. Scarlet Imp × S coccinia × Lc. Chit Chat])

Laeliocattleya (Lc. Trick or Treat × [Lc. Scarlet Imp × S coccinia × Lc. Chit Chat]) - laeliocattleya
Common name: laeliocattleya
Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid)
Comments: Due to the recent decision by the Royal Horticultural Society (the international orchid registration authority) to recognize the reduction of the Brazilian Laelia species and the entire genus Sophronitis to synonymy under Cattleya, many hybrids which had previously been described as Laeliocattleya hybrids are now classified as Cattleya hybrids. (e.g. C. George Cutler)


Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual