
Freesia caryophyllacea

Common name: kammetjie
Family: Iridaceae (Iris)
Distribution: Western Cape
Habitat: Lowland and alluvial shale and silcrete renosterveld and fynbos
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Near Threatened
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: A pretty, low-growing Cape bulb with a strong, sweet scent. This near-threatened species has lost the majority of its habitat already due to urban expansion. It used to be quite common and widespread from Villiersdorp to Swellendam and Bredasdorp, but it now only occurs in small, fragmented populations. It grows on lowland and alluvial shale, silcrete renosterveld and fynbos. Its cream flowers with yellow markings can be seen in late autumn to early winter.
Links: iNaturalist.orgRed List of South African Plants


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