
Hydnora africana

Common name: Baviaanskos, bobbejaankos, jakkalskos, kannip, jackal food, Idolo-lenkonyane, Ubuklunga, Umavumbuka
Family: Hydnoraceae (Hydnora)
Distribution: Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal
Habitat: Dry soil
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Comments: White bait bodies are found on the inner base of the flowers. The bait bodies play a very important role in the life cycle of the plant. They omit a putrid odour to attract various carrion beetles and other insects which become trapped in the flowers. Numerous stiff bristles are found on the inner surface of the perianth lobes which prevent the trapped insect from escaping. After feeding on the bait bodies, the trapped insect drops down the flower tube onto the anthers, collecting pollen all over its body. It then drops even further down onto the soft cushion-shaped stigma and thus pollinates the flower.
Links: iNaturalist.orgiSpotRed List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfrica


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