
Faidherbia albida

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Faidherbia albida - anaboom, ana tree, river thorn, mokosho, muhoto, umHlalankwazi
Common name: anaboom, ana tree, river thorn, mokosho, muhoto, umHlalankwazi
Family: Fabaceae (Pea)
Distribution: Africa
Habitat: Wetlands
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Comments: The ana tree has an extensive root system and can be planted close together in rows in a contour to stabilize eroded soils.
It is a valuable fodder tree for game and domestic animals. It is mostly browsed by, elephants, giraffe, kudu, nyala, and impala. This plant loses its leaves in summer, thus providing fodder during the winter. The leaves are nutritious; the seeds have high protein content, and the pods are high in starch. It can be planted in groups of ten to twelve scattered in the veld to provide fodder. The seeds can be boiled and eaten, but first the skin has to be removed. Also the pods may be dried and ground into flour, which is edible. Again, the pods are said to have been used as fish poison. In Namibia, strips of bark are used as dental floss. The ana tree can also be used medicinally. A decoction of the bark is used to treat diarrhoea, bleeding and inflamed eyes. It can be used as an emetic as well.
Links: iNaturalist.orgiSpotSANBI PlantZAfrica


  • 1: Seed Store • Accession: 2017-20 • Origin: Namibia • Provenance: Wild
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual