
Tacca integrifolia

Tacca integrifolia - Black bat flower, Tigers Whiskers
Common name: Black bat flower, Tigers Whiskers
Family: Dioscoreaceae (Yam)
Distribution: Southeast Asia
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
Comments: It has attractive leaves, a vertical growth habit and strange filiform (thread-like) bracts which can hang down for as much as 1.2m, below the flowers. It is these structures and their accompanying cluster of luridly coloured flowers that has given rise to the sobriquet “batflower”. Cloaking the flowers from above are 2 broad light coloured and showy bracts, expanding like wings.
Links: Plants RescueWikipedia


  • 1: Seed Store • Accession: 2017-211/1 • Provenance: Horticultural
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual