
Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea

Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea - Blouwaterlelie, Kaaimanblom, Paddapreekstoel, Blou plomb, Blue water-lily, Frog's pulpit, Lechanti, Blue lotus, iZubu
Common name: Blouwaterlelie, Kaaimanblom, Paddapreekstoel, Blou plomb, Blue water-lily, Frog's pulpit, Lechanti, Blue lotus, iZubu
Family: Nymphaeaceae (Water-lily)
Synonym: Nymphaea caerulea, Nymphaea capensis, Nymphaea mildbraedi
Distribution: Africa, Asia
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Comments: The name of the genus "Nymphaea" refers to the practice of early Greeks in dedicating the water lily to the semi-divine water maidens, the nymphs. This plant is South Africa's most commonly grown indigenous water lily.
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