
Parkinsonia aculeata

Common name: Jerusalemdoring, Mexican palo verde, jelly bean tree, Jerusalem thorn, Ratama, Parkinsonia
Family: Fabaceae (Pea)
Distribution: Central America
Habitat: Forest
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Not Evaluated
Black list: Listed NEMBA Category 1 Invasive - Must be destroyed/removed by law.
Life form: Tree
Comments: This plant has been introduced as a fodder crop and hedging plant to sub-tropical and semi-arid regions globally. It is tolerant to drought, waterlogging and saline conditions and produces copious seeds, which is spread by birds and via rivers. Although it primarily invades degraded landscapes, it has the potential to irreversibly change natural ecosystems.
Links: Bionet-EAfrinet, keys and factsheetsiNaturalist.orgInvasive Species CompendiumIUCN Red ListPlants of the World OnlineRed List of South African PlantsUseful Tropical PlantsWikipedia


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