
Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba

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Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba - Ruikpypie, White coastal freesia
Common name: Ruikpypie, White coastal freesia
Family: Iridaceae (Iris)
Synonym: Freesia alba, Freesia lactea, Freesia middlemostii, Freesia muirii, Freesia picta, Freesia refracta var. alba, Freesia sparrmannia var. alba, Sparaxis thoubertii
Distribution: Western Cape
Habitat: Sandy soils in dune scrub or forest edges
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Near Threatened
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: A lovely Cape bulb with pretty white flowers and a sweet scent. Known as the Coastal White Freesia, it grows on sandy or stony coastal soils. It is quite range-restricted, occurring only from Stilbaai to Plettenberg Bay, but despite being threatened by coastal development and encroaching alien invaders, it is still relatively common.
Links: iSpotPacific Bulb SocietyRed List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfricaThe Plant List


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