
Gibbaeum dispar

Gibbaeum dispar - Duimpiesnuifvygie, Pappegaaibekvygie, Vinger-en-duim-vygie
Common name: Duimpiesnuifvygie, Pappegaaibekvygie, Vinger-en-duim-vygie
Family: Aizoaceae (Vygie)
Distribution: Van Wyksdorp in the Western Cape
Habitat: Western Little Karoo, shale slopes
National red list: Vulnerable
Life form: Succulent plant
Comments: G. dispar is a very water-wise species able to go months without water and only releasing seeds after rain. Its leaves are velvety as they have minute hairs covering them, aiding in reflecting sunlight. This species is restricted to a small area of the Little Karoo and is facing habitat loss to vineyards.
Links: Red List of South African PlantsSANBI GibbeaumSANBI PlantZAfrica


  • 1: Arid House 1 • Accession: 1999-968/1 • Provenance: Wild
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual