
Ilex mitis

Common name: Waterboom, Without, Cape holly, Wild holly, umDuma, Mutanzwa-khamelo, iPhuphuma
Family: Aquifoliaceae (Holly)
Distribution: Africa
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Declining
Comments: When the leaves are rubbed together they give a lather and this was once used by the Knysna woodcutters to wash themselves in the streams of the forest. The Zulus are also aware of this use. This is reflected in their name iPhuphuma which means, 'it foams out'. The Venda name when translated means 'milk-pail washer'. The wood was once used in the construction of wagons for buckboards and occasionally for spokes. It was also in demand for the heels of ladies' shoes. It is still used for implement handles and furniture as well as fuel.
Links: iSpotSANBI PlantZAfrica


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