
Lantana camara

Lantana camara - Gomdagga, Lantana, Tickberry, Ubutywala bentaka, Ubukhwebezane
Common name: Gomdagga, Lantana, Tickberry, Ubutywala bentaka, Ubukhwebezane
Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena)
Distribution: Central and South America
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
Black list: Listed NEMBA Category 1 Invasive - Must be destroyed/removed by law.
Comments: Lantana camara will often out-compete other more desirable species, leading to a reduction in biodiversity. It can also cause problems in agricultural areas as a result of its toxicity to livestock, and its ability to form dense thickets which, if left unchecked, can greatly reduce the productivity of farm land.
Links: iSpotWikipedia


  • 1: Nursery areas • Accession: 1999-932 • Provenance: Unrecorded
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual