
Aloidendron pillansii

Aloidendron pillansii - Baster-kokerboom, Reuse-kokerboom, Bastard quiver tree, Giant quiver tree
Common name: Baster-kokerboom, Reuse-kokerboom, Bastard quiver tree, Giant quiver tree
Family: Asphodelaceae
Synonym: Aloe pillansii
Distribution: Namibia, Northern Cape
IUCN Red list: Critically endangered
National red list: Endangered
Comments: The species is threatened by mining (Rosh Pinah) in Namibia as well as by collection for horticulture throughout its range. Almost no seedlings are found in the wild and this is suspected to be due to climate change. The species is threatened by livestock (browsing and trampling) throughout the Richtersveld section of its range.
Links: iSpotRed List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfricaWikipedia


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