
Lachenalia pallida

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Lachenalia pallida - Bleekviooltjie, Common viooltjie
Common name: Bleekviooltjie, Common viooltjie
Family: Asparagaceae (Asparagus)
Distribution: Piketberg to Stellenbosch
Habitat: Clay soils in renosterveld
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: A common species in the Swartland and Boland which can be seen flowering in big colonies in spring. Despite severe habitat loss in this region - which has caused increasing threats to many species - this species is still common. Its habitat is threatened by land transformation for agricultural purposes and urban expansion.
This charming Cape bulb is a common sight in spring when it flowers in the Swartland and Boland. It is pollinated by honeybees and disperses its seeds close to the motherplant so that it forms spectacular large flowering colonies. Despite severe habitat loss in this region due to agricultural and urban expansion - which has caused increasing threats to many species - this Lachenalia is still widespread and is not of conservation concern.
Links: iNaturalist.orgPacific Bulb SocietyRed List of South African Plants


  • 1: Bulb collection (BULB) • Accession: 2020-315 • Origin: South Africa • Provenance: Wild
  • 2: • Accession: 2013-25 • Provenance: Unrecorded
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual