
Pelargonium rapaceum

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Pelargonium rapaceum - Bergaartappel, Norretjie, Mountain potato, !norra
Common name: Bergaartappel, Norretjie, Mountain potato, !norra
Family: Geraniaceae (Geranium)
Distribution: Eastern, Northern, Western Cape
Habitat: Stony flats and slopes
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: The flowers are most peculiar and fascinating. They resemble miniature pea-flowers in having the upper two petals bent back and the three lower ones held close together, entirely enclosing the anthers. This is a useful plant which can be used for medicinal and other purposes. The tubers are edible and was used as a food source by the Khoi and early settlers, who roasted it in hot ashes. The roots or the whole plant has also been used to treat diarrhea, sore throat and eczema, among others. The dried leaves can be used to make a tea.
Links: Plantz AfricaRed List of South African PlantsThe Pelargonium Page


  • 1: Arid House 1 • Accession: 2019-278/1 • Origin: South Africa • Provenance: Wild
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual