
Pelargonium hispidum

Pelargonium hispidum - Grofharig, Hispid pelargonium
Common name: Grofharig, Hispid pelargonium
Family: Geraniaceae (Geranium)
Distribution: Western Cape
Habitat: Montane and lowland forests
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Evergreen shrub / sub-shrub
Usage: Horticultural
Comments: This plant flowers from September to April but reaches a peak flowering period in October and November. The seed is adapted to wind dispersal, is light and has a feathered, spiral, tail-like attachment. When the seed lands and there is sufficient water in the soil, the tail becomes like a drill, twisting the seed into the soil. This allows the seed to anchor itself and prevent it from being blown or carried away by animals.
Links: iSpotRed List of South African Plants SANBISANBI PlantZAfrica


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