
Encephalartos natalensis

Common name: duisendheuwelsbroodboom, Natalbroodboom, Natal giant cycad, Natal cycad, Thousand Hills cycad, umGuza, iSigqikisomkhovu
Family: Zamiaceae (Cycad)
Distribution: Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal
Habitat: Cliffs, forests, rocky outcrops
IUCN Red list: Near threatened
Regional red list: Near threatened
National red list: Near Threatened
CITES: Appendix I
Black list: Indigenous to South Africa
Life form: Evergreen perennial
Usage: Horticultural, Medicinal, edible
Comments: Family: Zamiaceae
Origin/distribution: Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal (ZA endemic)
Red List Status: Near Threatened (NT) both on national and global scale i.e., IUCN
Sentence 1: The Encephalartos genus dates back to 250 ya.
Sentence 2: 2.1.The bark of E. natalensis is harvested for African traditional medicine trade in most parts of KwaZulu-Natal. The species has also been affected by development e.g., mining/energy production. 2.2. In times of famine the pith of the stem was used as a substitute for bread flour, hence the common names “Broodboom”. 2.3. Common to the Encephalartos genus, E. Natalensis is used as a garden plant.
Links: CITESiSpotIUCN Red ListRed List of South African Plants SANBISANBI PlantZAfrica


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