
Villarsia goldblattiana

Villarsia goldblattiana - Peninsula bogbean
Common name: Peninsula bogbean
Family: Menyanthaceae (Buckbean)
Distribution: Western Cape: Cape Peninsula
Habitat: Shallow standing water in marshes in sandstone fynbos.
National red list: Vulnerable
Life form: Aquatic
Comments: This is one of only three South African species in this otherwise largely Australian genus. The species is highly localised and is only found on the southern Cape Peninsula. As its common name suggests, it grows in boggy, acidic soils in marshes or slow-moving streams. Invasive plants have densely invaded its habitat. Much of this invasion has been cleared, but the species could decline rapidly if invasive plants are not continuously cleared and managed.
Links: iSpotPlantz AfricaRed List of South African Plants


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