
Kniphofia uvaria

Kniphofia uvaria - Rooisoldate, Soldaat, Stinkaalwyn, Vuurlelie, Vuurpyl, Fire lily, Ghoesghoeroe, Red-hot poker, Torch lily, Icacane
Common name: Rooisoldate, Soldaat, Stinkaalwyn, Vuurlelie, Vuurpyl, Fire lily, Ghoesghoeroe, Red-hot poker, Torch lily, Icacane
Family: Asphodelaceae
Distribution: Eastern, Northern, Western Cape
National red list: Least Concern
Comments: In parts of south-eastern Australia, such as the Central and Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and southern Victoria, it has escaped cultivation and become naturalised. It is now regarded as an environmental weed in these locations, spreading from former habitations into natural areas, where it can grow in thick clumps and threaten sensitive ecosystems.
Links: iSpotRed List of South African PlantsWikipedia


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