
Kumara haemanthifolia

Common name: Aloe, Kumara
Family: Asphodelaceae
Synonym: Aloe haemanthifolia
Distribution: Western Cape
Habitat: Sandstone cliffs and ledges
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Evergreen perennial
Comments: This species used to be known as Aloe haemanthifolia. Its strap-shaped leaves are arranged opposite each other in a way that creates a characteristic fan-like appearance. Although K. haemanthifolia has a restricted distribution, its inaccessible habitat has sheltered this species and it currently faces no severe threats. It is most likely due to this protecting habitat that this species, unlike other Aloes, has no thorny leaves or bitter sap to protect it against herbivory. It grows in high altitudes where the mist and clouds create a cool and damp environment even in the dry summer period.
Links: iNaturalist.orgRed List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfrica


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