
Haemanthus albiflos

Haemanthus albiflos - Gevlekte poeierkwas, Poeierkwas, Witpoeierkwas, Dappled snowbrush, Paint brush, Powderpuff, Velskoenblaar, White paint brush, Uzeneke
Common name: Gevlekte poeierkwas, Poeierkwas, Witpoeierkwas, Dappled snowbrush, Paint brush, Powderpuff, Velskoenblaar, White paint brush, Uzeneke
Family: Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis)
Distribution: Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape
Habitat: Coastal and riverine scrub
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: This plant is used in traditional medicine to treat chronic coughs and as a charm to ward off lightning.
Links: iNaturalist.orgRed List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfricaWikipedia


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