
Gerbera aurantiaca

Gerbera aurantiaca - Daisy, Hilton daisy
Common name: Daisy, Hilton daisy
Family: Asteraceae (Aster)
Distribution: KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga
Habitat: Well-drained areas with underlying dolerite in mistbelt grassland
National red list: Endangered
Life form: Herbaceous perennial
Comments: This beautiful mistbelt endemic has lost the vast majority of its habitat over the past century. This loss has largely been caused by the transformation of land for plantations and crop cultivation. The species is pollinated mainly by the brown monkey beetle. Unfortunately it has been noted that at some of the few remaining sites, there are few pollinators. Studies have also indicated that this species is a poor recruiter and has low seed viability. All of these factors exacerbate the current situation for this plant and makes it unlikely that it will be able to recover.
Links: iSpotNews24Red List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfrica


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