
Brunsvigia josephinae

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Brunsvigia josephinae - Kandelaarblom, Koningskandelaar, Lantanter, Candelabra lily, Empress Josephine's brunsvigia, Josephine's lily
Common name: Kandelaarblom, Koningskandelaar, Lantanter, Candelabra lily, Empress Josephine's brunsvigia, Josephine's lily
Family: Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis)
Synonym: Brunsvigia gydobergensis
Distribution: Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Nieuwoudtville to Baviaanskloof
Habitat: Rocky slopes and clay flats in renosterveld
National red list: Vulnerable
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: A striking Cape geophyte with a large, unmistakable inflorescence. The red flowers are arranged in an open umbel, which makes each flower available for a visit by nectar-eating sugarbirds, which pollinate these flowers. Despite its wide range, this bulb is threatened due to extensive habitat loss and continuing over-harvesting for medicinal purposes.
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