
Haemanthus pumilio

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Haemanthus pumilio - poeierkwas, wilde foksia, paintbrush, wild fuchsia
Common name: poeierkwas, wilde foksia, paintbrush, wild fuchsia
Family: Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis)
Distribution: Western Cape, Hermon,Paarl,Stellenbosch
Habitat: Seasonally damp clay flats
National red list: Endangered
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber - seasonally dormant)
Comments: Otherwise known as the paintbrush lily, this endemic geophyte produces comparatively dwarf paintbrush-like flowers than the rest of its genus. Unfortunately, its last viable wild population occurs on this site.
Researchers have also shown that it has variation in its genetic makeup within this population. This is an example of biodiversity not only occurring between different species, but also within species in the form of genetic variation.
Links: iNaturalist.orgRed List of South African PlantsSU news article on SUBG work to save Haemanthus pumilio from extinctionVeld & Flora article on Haemanthus pumilio, 1992Plantz Africa


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