
Leonotis leonurus

Leonotis leonurus - Duiwelstabak, Wildedagga, Lion's ear, Lion's-tail, Wild dagga, Imvovo, umFincafincane, umUnyane, I-munyamunyane
Common name: Duiwelstabak, Wildedagga, Lion's ear, Lion's-tail, Wild dagga, Imvovo, umFincafincane, umUnyane, I-munyamunyane
Family: Lamiaceae (Mint)
Distribution: Southern Africa
Habitat: Forest margins or rough grasslands
National red list: Least Concern
Life form: Shrub / sub-shrub
Comments: This plant is a member of the same family as mint, lavender and rosemary and, like its relatives, it has very aromatic leaves. Leonotis leonoris is also popular in South African gardens since it has a very long flowering period and attracts nectarivorous birds like sunbirds. Another notable aspect of this plant is its medicinal properties: an extract of the plant material is used both topically and orally to treat several ailments, including skin rashes and boils, muscle cramps, headaches, constipation and snake bites. The dried leaves and flowers are also smoked to induce a similar, although less potent, psychoactive effect to cannabis - hence the common name "wild dagga".
Links: iSpotRed List of South African PlantsSANBI PlantZAfricaWikipedia


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