
Lithops geyeri

Lithops geyeri - Beeskloutjies, Stone plant
Common name: Beeskloutjies, Stone plant
Family: Aizoaceae (Vygie)
Synonym: Lithops herrei var. geyeri, Lithops hillii
Distribution: Northern Cape, Richtersveld, Helskloof to Eksteenfontein.
Habitat: Quartzite mixed with schist, gneiss or calcrete.
National red list: Rare
Life form: Succulent plant
Comments: Named for Dr. Albertus Lourens Geyer, an ardent succulent enthusiast who discovered a number of new taxa.
Links: iSpotLithops Species


  • 1: Arid House 1 • Accession: 2016-439/1 • Provenance: Garden - wild origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual